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Introduction to Cyanotypes



This workshop is the perfect introduction to the process of Cyanotype printing.  It’s an exciting process that instantly transforms everyday objects into gorgeous photographic-like artworks.

You don’t need any art experience or drawing skills.


What are Cyanotypes?

The Cyanotype process originated in 1842. A photosensitive solution is applied to a receptive surface such as paper or cloth and allowed to dry in a dark place.  Flat objects or photographic negatives are placed on top and then are exposed to ultraviolet light (the sun).  The parts not covered turn blue as the non-water-soluble Prussian blue pigment remains in the paper after washing out.

As well as photographic negatives, pressed plants are a typical subject but any opaque to translucent object will create an image.  Three-dimensional objects or less than perfectly flat ones will create a slightly blurred image.  Once exposed to light, the final print is of an outline of an item with internal detail where they allow light, depending on their relative transparency and exposure times.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • How to apply the photographic solution to papers and other surfaces
  • How to calculate exposure times using a test strip
  • Experimental techniques including toning and wet cyanotypes
  • What you need for your own cyanotype kit to continue printing at home

The workshop fee includes all materials and the preparation of papers prior to the workshop.

You need to bring to the workshop:

  • Objects to print with – flat or less dimensional for clear prints, things with interesting silhouettes. For example, leaves (pressed and semi-dried in a book for a few days), feathers, lace, old keys, string, grasses….
  • OPTIONAL – images on clear acetate like a photograph or drawing – you can get these printed at Officeworks, maximum A5 size. The best images are those with a strong contrast.
  • Apron and nametag. You’ll be on your feet quite a bit so sandshoes are recommended.
  • Your lunch and drinks. Tea and coffee are provided.

Next Workshop Dates:

Next dates to be advised.

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